Som många av er säkert hört, planeras en strejk som kan påverka alla USA östkusthamnar från den 1 oktober 2024.
Bakgrunden till strejken är oenighet i förhandlingarna mellan hamnarbetarnas fackförening och terminaloperatörer om löner och automation. Om ingen överenskommelse nås i sista stund, förväntas strejken leda till betydande störningar i våra flöden till och från USA.
Nedan följer information från vår agent i USA för hur detta kommer påverka våra importflöden från USA.
Vi återkommer med besked om hur vår exporttrafik påverkas, och kommer att hålla er uppdaterade i takt med att situationen utvecklas.
“Following our previous announcements related to the potential strike affecting all U.S East & Gulf coast ports as of Oct. 1st, 2024, we would like to provide you the following update specific to our LCL Export Services:
As the situation remains fluid and the likelihood of a strike is not yet known, we will continue to move LCL export cargo as we normally do. LCL Consolidations that can be returned to terminals up until Sept. 30th will be handled accordingly.
We are also implementing a LCL Export Emergency Congestion Surcharge with the amount $35 w/m, minimum $35 per HBL.
Hazardous shipments loading out of Chicago moving to the East Coast via rail will be held as carriers/rail operators have stopped accepting dangerous goods in anticipation of the strike. Other hazardous bookings loading from our East & Gulf coasts consolidation points can be loaded based on the carrier’s acceptance.
We also ask that customers who would like their cargo to be held at our warehouse instead to please contact your local Ecu Worldwide office. Any shipments staying at one of our warehouses over the 21-day free time period may be subject to storage charges per our published tariff.
For East Coast origin cargo to Europe/Scandinavia, we will offer re-routing option via Chicago if we receive enough demand for it. Other contingency routes can be reviewed on a case-by-case basis depending on the port pair.
We thank you for your understanding and continued support.“
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